The goal of sustainable healthcare is to improve quality of life at reduced cost by addressing the microbiome first, as recent research shows that all of these non-communicable diseases have a relationship to the microbiome.
The three-day virtual summit brings together thought leaders to present Microbiome First strategies, beyond the soundbites and buzzwords, that is designed to provide thoughtful and meaningful discussions.
Noncommunicable diseases and conditions or NCDs are the number 1 world-wide cause of death. Most of the more than 150 chronic disorders fall into three major categories (allergic, autoimmune or inflammatory). They are also known by the systems they affect:
Systemic NCDs also exist (e.g., lupus and frailty). Both the risk of and persistence of NCDs are significantly influenced by the human microbiome.
The Microbiome First - Pathway to Sustainable Healthcare is a suggested 21st century healthcare paradigm that prioritizes the entire human, the human superorganism, beginning with the microbiome.
What You'll Learn:
The Microbiome First - Pathway to Sustainable Healthcare summit panel discussion aims to kickstart a 21st century healthcare paradigm that prioritizes:
Focus on the human microbiome that could facilitate the move toward sustainable healthcare
How certain keystone bacteria and critical windows of development show that changes in even a few microbiota-prioritized medical decisions could make a significant difference in health across the life course
Barriers and challenges
For the NCD community:
Hope for those that suffer
How the Microbiome can improve how NCDs, as currently managed in medicine and public health, to help decrease the path toward multiple chronic diseases, increased disability, reduced quality of life and an ever increasing load of prescriptions as we age
How the Microbiome can improve the cost burden for patients and for healthcare institutions and systems
How inattention to the human microbiome has facilitated the epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (e.g., chronic disorders)
Why NCDs are not always "noncommunicable"
Why eating healthy is far more difficult than we assumed because of "hidden toxins" for our friendly microbes
Why the "safe and effective" part of current drugs does not mean they are always safe for your microbiome and the tools you can use to talk to your medical professional about
Research that reflects how the Microbiome First can result in different approaches for both disease prevention and the treatment of NCDs
How taking care of your Microbiome helps you become more resilient and have increased protection against infectious diseases
How managing our microbes can lead us toward a reduced disease burden and medical costs, while increasing our quality of life across the decades
How the patient-physician dialog about the microbiome inherently leads to more personalized medicine including attention to our whole body
Current research into functional foods, prebiotics, probiotics, fecal microbiota transplants and metabolically informed, microbiome can not only improve our lives but also save healthcare from an unsustainable future
For the Clinician:
Evidence based microbiome applications to use in your practice today
Adjunct therapies to reduce antibiotic resistance, recurrent infections and downstream chronic diseases
More tools to help prevent and manage pain
Applications for improved functionality in specific chronic disorders
Reduced overall inflammation and risk of future comorbid diseases
Mood improving adjunct therapies
Emerging therapies (coming soon)
Broader use of colonization resistance used to block pathogen access (already in use in oral/dental applications and agriculture/one health)
Microbiome-based drugs that specifically operate via the human microbiome
Better personalized medicine based on microbiome profiles at different body sites
For the researcher:
What you'll gain
Researchers, whether in academia, industry, or government, have been the lifeblood of our current knowledge of the human and model microbiomes and their connections to systems biology. They will continue to extend both fundamental and translational science on the microbiome necessary to achieve sustainable healthcare
Raise visibility of your research efforts to achieve maximum recognition and impact
Have your areas of interest and relevant publications available for broader biomedical funding organizations, healthcare alliances, science writers, and media
Learn of related work in the field not always present at cross-disciplinary-focused conferences
Gain insight into how your work fits into a broader future vision of microbiome first strategies and sustainable healthcare
Individual tracks will cover relevant issues including:
Societal cost of NCDs including the allergic,autoimmune or inflammatory process
The impact and burden of NCDs to those that suffer and costs to your pocket book and the global economy
Environmental impacts to overall health and the Microbiome
Critical windows
Current global clinical trials
Microbiome management
Microbiome success stories
Everyone is invited and it's free to participate. Microbiome First - Pathway to Sustainable Healthcare Virtual Summit taking place May 17-19, 2022.
Everyone is invited and it's free to participate. Microbiome First - Pathway to Sustainable Healthcare Virtual Summit taking place May 17-19, 2022.